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As a company in the manufacturing industry, Precision follows environment-friendly practices in every way possible. Additionally, we have programs through which we reach the community we serve, and help create a greener, happier environment.


We build environmental sustainability into each business function and process.


We offer engaging development opportunities, recognize achievements, and foster an inclusive and collaborative workplace to help employees achieve their full potential.


We are committed to creating a positive impact on the communities in which we operate.

Nurturing the future

Our children are our future. They deserve the best natural resources possible. It is vital, therefore, that we instil in them an understanding of nature at an early age. To this end, we began an outreach program in partnership with Dubai International Academy (DIA) in November 2016.

Our manufacturing processes result in several tonnes of leftover high-quality plastic each month, which is either discarded or sold. Instead, we used our toolroom and moulding expertise to design strong plastic flowerpots, and used the leftover plastic to create a few thousand flowerpots of varying sizes.

At DIA, we handed over these flowerpots to one thousand children, ranging from kindergarteners to Grade 6 students. Each child planted seeds of their choice, and carefully tended to the emerging plants, gradually gaining an appreciation of growing their own flowers and vegetables.

Planting in Plastic Pots
A Plastic Pot
Planting in Plastic Pots

Fun for a Cause

In February 2017, Precision participated in the annual Al Noor Fun Fair, where they sold several hundred internally designed and manufactured flowerpots. All proceeds from the sale went to the Dubai-based non-profit organization, Al Noor Training Centre for Persons with Disabilities.

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Precision Group at Al Noor Fun Fair
Precision Group at Al Noor Fun Fair
Precision Group at Al Noor Fun Fair

Going green for a cause

The little things add up to make a world of difference. We use LED lighting across all our buildings and outdoor spaces. Recycling bins have supplanted regular dustbins. And our employees are increasingly involved in a variety of activities as volunteers. Results: reduced costs, increased levels of joy and empathy.

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